Thursday, October 9, 2014

Put the Buzz if your Feed

One of the things about being a social media maven is that it gives me insight into many useful ways to innovate, improve and progress on the social media that is already out there. Two interesting ideas that I recently had involve Twitter and Klout.

What has baffled me about Twitter is that basically every major press organization (and Twitter itself), as well as all other websites and blogs do not at least automatically include the author's handle in the Twitter share function(even my own +AddThis blog share is currently guilty of that.) The upside of including this information however, as well as related handles and hashtags is enormous, not only for the press organization, but for Twitter, companies, authors, and oneself. This is one of the keys to growthhacking on Twitter, and incorporating such methods will get you many more likes, retweets and exposure. The only websites I've come across which automatically include the author's handle are +BuzzFeed and +LinkedIn. This is giving them a serious competitive marketing advantage over all other media companies.

I started brain hacking this issue because every time I read an article and share it on Twitter, I have to look up not only the author's Twitter handle but also any related handles pertaining to the article. While in a way this is part of my competitive advantage, for I get to gather a greater understanding while researching the information, I do not always have the time to do so. However, this should be easier for everyone to accomplish. Why not just create a platform or app and crowdsource this information. One could easily write code to automatically search Twitter's verified accounts for all proper names mentioned and automatically generate suggested handles and hashtags. This would be extremely beneficial to Twitter because it would generate more conversation, collaboration, and information rich data. Why this hasn't been done yet, I do not know. However, in the meantime, growthhack your own Twitter account!

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